There is hope that there may be a major educational development project looming in the near future at Heald Green. This is because Seashell Trust have submitted plans to Stockport council and if they are accepted, there is likely to be a £45m campus coming to the local area. Seashell Trust has issued images of the new campus and the good news for the local market is that the plans have also made provisions for 325 new homes to be developed on the site.
The land that is projected for use is greenbelt land that is owned by Seashell Trust. The location falls between Wilmslow Road and the A34, so there are a number of reasons why developing property in this area will be positive for the local community.
The Seashell Trust is a highly regarded charity in the UK which supports children and youngsters with complex learning difficulties. With educational support for people aged between 2 years and 25 years old, a lot of people and their families and loved ones can benefit from the work being undertaken. The organisation’s current campus in the area dates back over 60 years and they believe that is no longer fit for their needs. With a new campus and school they are confident that they can provide the standard of support that people require and expect from them.
The plans have been submitted to Stockport Council and it is believed that the plans will be considered in autumn of this year. Clearly the sooner the better but it is important that the plans are reviewed in an efficient manner and the right decision is made. On the face of it, this is a plan that looks to offer a lot of benefits to Stockport but of course, it is not as simple as just saying yes to any plans that come in. However, there is no denying that adding more than 300 homes to the local area should be seen as a positive thing.
While the involvement of a property developer will be a key factor in convincing many people that this deal is needed, the inclusion of the property is one that is based in financial realism. The support the property developer will provide around £30m of the funding for the project, which leaves a shortfall of £15m which has to be found. The Seashell Trust have a range of plans to raise the additional money required for this Stockport project.
At Spencer Harvey, property developments in Stockport are always of interest to us and this would have a big impact on the area. We await the Council’s reaction to the plans with interest and if you ever have any questions or queries about Stockport property, we are happy to help.
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