There are many different things that impact on where a person or family wants to live. The property price, availability of public transport and selection of schools will always have a role to play in enticing people to a certain area. This will always be the case but there is also a lot to be said for people finding an area where they can really feel at home. Finding the ideal home is no longer just about the property or even the property and garden, people want to feel as though they belong in a certain area.
This means restaurants; bars and hostelries in a local area have a huge impact on how people consider an area. It is not as if these facilities are going to be the key factor in where someone moves to but if there isn’t anywhere good to eat in the local area, some people will question whether they want to stay in the area.
This is why Stockport can be seen as an area that is on the rise. There are new restaurants opening in the area and with a greater focus on craft beer and microbreweries, this is the sort of area that people will be excited by. A perfect example of the new and fresh attitude that is blowing through Stockport these days can be found with Foodie Friday which takes place at Stockport Market.
Stockport venues won awards at the recent MFDF
This event has been rewarded with the Best Pop-Up prize at the recent Manchester Food and Drink Festival and very few people would argue with this. Taking place on the last Friday of a month, there has been a chance for people to come along, try new foods and engage with the modern style of street eating. This may be something that is commonplace around the world but it is only picking up traction in the UK and Stockport is enjoying this new style of dining.
Of course, if you are dining, you’ll find that drink is never far from your mind. No one would suggest that drink is a new phenomenon in Stockport. Robinsons is a family run brewery and it has been operating since 1836, with the company also running a number of pubs in the local area. There are also plenty of free houses such as The Crown Inn or The Hope that have helped Stockport residents quench their thirst.
However, there are also microbreweries to visit and a micropub in the area was another recent winner in the MFDF. Heaton Hops, located in Heaton Chapel, was acknowledged for their good work in the community and they are just one of many local pubs and craft bars making a difference to daily life in Stockport.
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