Stockport Council Tax Sees Lowest Rise In Five Years

There is no denying that life in Stockport has been changing recently and there are plenty more changes and developments to come. Life in Stockport appeals to many people and no matter your age or what you look forward to in life, you should find that Stockport has a great deal to offer. However, there is no getting away from the fact that you need to know your budget and finances before making any move or setting up home anywhere, and this is as true for Stockport as it is for London, Manchester, Paris or Rome.

Council tax in Stockport is set to increase by 2.75% for the 2019/20 financial year. The council are trying to make savings of £6.744 million this year and there were fears that there would be a sizable increase in council tax for the year that lies ahead. However, the increase has been smaller than planned and for a Band D property, the increase will be £43.94. This is set to be the lowest rise in the past five years.

There has to be a balance struck with council tax

No one likes to see a council tax rise, this is more money out of your pocket, but given the increase could have been worse than it is, there will be some people viewing these changes with a sigh of relief.

For 2019/20, the council tax charges, which include the Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner Precept for Greater Manchester and Mayoral General Precept (including Fire Services) are:

  • Band A: £1,227.92
  • Band B: £1,490.91
  • Band C: £1,703.90
  • Band D: £1,916.90
  • Band E: £2,342.88
  • Band F: £2,768.85
  • Band G: £3,194.82
  • Band H: £3,833.80

Stockport Council have defended the increase

The leader of Stockport Council, Councillor Alex Ganotis, released a statement, saying; “Nobody who voted for this budget will have taken the decision lightly.  Councillors are aware that an increasing burden is being placed on hard-pressed Council Tax payers and that ongoing rises are not a sustainable way to fund local government. We have set this budget knowing that residents have faced higher rises in recent years to protect the services they rely upon.  But we have made this decision as part of a package of thought-through proposals which prioritise protecting the vulnerable and minimising the impact on frontline services.”

There always has to be a balance when it comes to council tax. Yes, this money is vital for so many local services, and people would be up in arms if fewer options and services were provided to residents. However, there is also the need to be aware that many people find money tight these days, and it is crucial that these people are supported as much as possible.

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