You will often read about how the local job market impacts on the property market, and this makes sense. When there are jobs available in an area, people will come from other areas to find employment. This has always been the case, dating back to the era of market towns and villages, and it is still true today, even though the internet that makes it seem as though the world is becoming a very small place.
However, even though some areas have a reputation for being good for job opportunities, there is always a need to provide support for people that need additional assistance to move forward in life. It would be fair to say that Stockport doesn’t do too badly when it comes to employment opportunities. Yes, things could be better but with every new project taking place in the town centre and with easy transport options in and out of the heart of Manchester, it would be fair to say that Stockport has a lot to offer.
Stockport employment options matter and make a difference
It can be easy to take these opportunities for granted though because they aren’t available for everyone, and this is why it is pleasing to see companies like Smart Works operating in the area. Smart Works Manchester is located in Stockport and the organisation is focused on helping females from difficult or deprived backgrounds to be properly prepared and ready for a job interview. This may not seem like a lot but the work carried out by the organisation has the ability to transform lives or put families back on track, and this is why their recent fundraising ball was important.
In some good news, which hasn’t been in great supply in recent times, the charity managed to raise more than £10,000 with their fundraising ball. This is money that will be used to support the local community, giving people who need a hand the assistance that may make the difference between moving forward with their life or not.
A considerable number of women have said that the two hour consultation is a great feature in ensuring that women who need help can present themselves in the best possible manner for the job. The guidance focuses on a range of matters, all of which are aimed at helping the candidate to feel confident while presenting themselves in a professional manner. A simple hour of interview coaching can have a huge impact on someone’s chances to earn a job, and this is just one of the many projects that are taking place in Stockport that are well acknowledging and supporting.
When it comes to Stockport, Spencer Harvey is always happy to talk. If you would like to arrange an appointment with us, call us on 0161 480 8888 or drop us an email at info@spencerharvey.co.uk and we’ll look forward to seeing you soon.
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