Summer may just be upon us but we all know that doesn’t necessarily mean a lot when it comes to the weather. It is likely that there will be some wet days, some windy days and some cold days in the next couple of months and before we know it, the real damp and miserable weather will be upon us. At Spencer Harvey, we are big fans of being proactive and we think it is important to plan ahead and make sure that your home is ready for winter..and winter-like weather conditions.
One of the biggest issues homeowners and tenants face is problems caused by poor insulation. A poorly insulated property reduces the energy efficiency of the property which means the home is likely to be colder, which means it costs more to heat the home up and this means you end up paying a lot more in your energy bills. Given the rising nature of energy bills, this can really harm people, and this is why we are happy to provide tips and guidance on how you can save money on energy bills in Stockport. When you are on top of your energy usage, you will:
- Be nice and cosy at home
- Help the environment
- Save money
These three outcomes are well worth working towards and we’re delighted to say that the National Association of Estate Agents, the NAEA, have provided a number of tips on how you can stay warm this winter…and in the months building up to winter! You may say it is too early to be focused on winter but if you take steps and make changes now, you can be confident that when the bad weather comes, you will have everything in place to be comfortable. This is much more attractive than waiting for the bad weather to arrive and then making changes.
Find the best energy supplier for your needs
You should contact your energy supplier and ask about the schemes they offer, as it may be possible to switch to a more attractive and affordable option. You should also obtain quotes from other energy suppliers, because you may get a better deal elsewhere. You should also see if your energy supplier, or any other supplier, offers a boiler check, as this could help you to run a more energy efficient home.
Applying rubber draft stripping to your window frames is an effective and affordable way to improve the insulation of your property. You should also look to have your roof reviewed with respect to its insulating qualities.
With respect to inside your home, move furniture away from your radiators, as this will allow the heat in your room to circulate more freely. Consider placing foil behind your radiators as this will help to reflect the heat into the room. You can use ordinary kitchen foil for this even though there are specialist panels available from DIY shops.
No matter the weather conditions or temperature, you are always guaranteed a warm welcome at Spencer Harvey. If you want to talk about the Stockport property market, give us a call on 0161 480 8888 or drop us an email at For a free valuation please visit: