In the present day, most people are willing to do their bit to be more environmentally. For some people, this behaviour is driven by a desire to help the Earth and leave a better future for the generations that are to come. Other people are solely driven by the fact that being environmentally friendly can help you save money.
Given that most of us lead busy lives and want to use our money effectively, the thought of switching to more energy efficient ways can be a daunting one. The initial cost of making a change will seem the more tangible figure as opposed to the long term benefits, but it is important to know that there are many small changes that can be made to make the process simpler.
We’ll help you be green around the house
Whatever motivation you have for being greener, we support it, and as a National Association of Estate Agents member, we’re pleased to share a range of environmentally-friendly tips from Peter Bolton King, the present Chief Executive of the NAEA.
Some easy ways in which you can improve the environmental friendly rating of your home include:
- When buying new white goods, look for eco-friendly items or products that have an A-rated energy efficient label
- Consider wall and roof insulation. It is believed that as much as 33% of the heat produced in a property is lost via the walls, so installing wall or loft insulation will retain heat. Figures suggest that it is possible to reduce energy bills by as much as £140 per year by installing insulation
- Use less water. If you are in a position to swap a bath for a shower, you’ll find that you use significantly less water at home, allowing you to play a role in helping the environment and lowering your bills.
- Switch to energy efficient light bulbs. Yes, these bulbs represent an initial outlay but in the long term, you will save money thanks to the efficient output of these bulbs
While there are ways you can spend a lot of money in making your home more environmentally friendly, you’ll find that making a number of small changes can be effective. Reusing products, recycling more often, and always making sure that you use your dishwasher or washing machine efficiently will have a positive impact on the energy you use. This means you can save money while helping the environment.
Being energy efficient can help you and your home in the long run, and we are always happy to talk about the process or what you can do around your home. Thankfully, you don’t need to expend a great deal of energy to get in touch with Spencer Harvey. Give us a call on 0161 480 8888 or send us an email at For a free valuation please visit: